Monday, February 28, 2011

February - Just the Best Month EVER!

GROUNDHOGS I'm not sure how much wisdom there is in letting a furry creature decide how long the winter will be but he said that winter is over and I'm all for that! Spring has sprung here in Texas and the gloom and doom that settled over me in October has up and left. I love spring!! Thank you Punxsutawney Phil.

LOVE Valentine's Day. The holiday for lovers.

Okay...I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Lover...that word makes my skin crawl.

The holiday for love. That's better!

I gave Gary my Valentine/birthday wish list.

Kindle: I love to read but I am going blind (not really, I'm being over-dramatic...I'm just getting old). I haven't read a book in a long time because they are making the print much smaller than they used to and I can't see it!

On the Kindle you can make the print GIGANTIC so old, umm I mean blind people like me can see it.

A vinyl cutter: It cuts vinyl and other stuff I think.

Gary is the practical sort and doesn't see the need for surprises so he went to work and asked one of his co-workers about the Kindle and then called me all excited to tell me about it. He thought I would be thrilled.

I got mad at him.

I quit speaking to him.

Then, on a two hour road trip, I told him how he had ruined every single holiday for the last 20 years with his practical-ness! This is the response I got from him.


He was befuddled! Confused! Dumb-founded!

I was angry about something completely unrelated to the Kindle incident and took it out on him. For two hours. On the way to the temple. The loveliest place on earth.

I regret that. I love my husband. He deserves so much more than a mean and cranky wife!

He loves me too and he forgave me.

He's also tricky. He found the Kindle at Target and gave it to me the day before Valentine's Day. He also brought me flowers and a card. Surprise!! I really was surprised because Gary is internet-buying challenged and I thought he would say "I got you a Kindle for Valentine's Day so go ahead and order yourself one" but he found one, bought it, and put it in a gift bag with a card inside. I read the card and cried because even when I am mean he still loves me!

We celebrated Valentine's Day in style with a candlelight, Chinese take-out dinner. Candlelight dinners are always so romantic.....especially with four children. I spent most of the night saying "don't light your napkin on fire" and "quit dipping your fingers in the hot wax"! We gave each of the kids a can of refried beans and a bag of chocolate. They were ecstatic! Nothing says "I love you" like a can of beans!

PRESIDENTS My claim to fame is that I share a birthday with the first president of the United States. I always thought that was pretty cool. Gary had the day off but the kids didn't! He had a list of chores that he was planning on doing and spending time with me was not on the list. I guess I can't blame him though since spending time with me sometimes involves me getting mad at him. My birthday dinner and dessert was on his list of chores though! He spent part of his day off making food for me. Happy Birthday to good ole' George and Abe. Thanks for giving us a reason to have a day off while the kids were in school! You two are awesome!

BIRTHDAYS I have always celebrated my birthday with my sister. She liked to think of it as a birthmonth instead of just birthday! I think she also thought that it was HER month but I was here first so I insisted that she share! She could have the first two weeks and I got the last two weeks. Then we just decided to compromise and have everyone lavish us with gifts all month long! She is no longer here on earth to celebrate birthdays with me which always makes me sad. My friend stopped by on Lori's birthday to bring me a late Valentine treat. It was just a coincidence but I like to think that I was being blessed with chocolate covered strawberries and words of encouragement to help cheer me up on that sad day! Gary made stir-fry just the way I like veggies, just rice and meat. He also made red velvet cupcakes in a jar with cream cheese frosting. So yummy! My friends and family helped me feel so loved. I was spoiled rotten this year. I am so grateful!

BANQUET Blue and Gold. We have once again entered into the land of Pinewood Derbys and Blue and Gold Banquets. Carson loves Cub Scouts. This year's theme was Cowboys and Indians. His den did a skit. Scene: Cowboys on one side shooting guns at the Indians, Indians on the other side shooting arrows at the cowboys. Just at the point that things are getting pretty scary, in walks the hero (Carson) who throws his hands out and says "BOP" (which is "STOP" in Carson-ese) and then he said "let's be friends!" The cowboys and Indians see the error of their ways, they put their arms around each other and walk off into the sunset. Cue the applause! So cute!

I will spare you the details of what happened before the banquet started...let's just say it had to do with poop. My friend told me I was going to heaven. Gary is not so sure about that but hey, it's my birthmonth I can dream if I want to!

Goodbye February, thanks for the memories. I look forward to seeing you again next year.