Today Carson slept in until about 4:30. I'm not sure what was happening up there since I was too tired from the insomnia (did you know that every noise you hear could possibly be an axe murderer?) of the night before to walk upstairs but it sounded like he had a group of bowlers or a moving company bringing in furniture. He must have come downstairs when he got tired of bowling and moving because I found him on the couch this morning.
One of your children came in from church this morning saying that the other one of your children had punched the first child in the stomach. I asked why they did that but they didn't seem to think you needed a reason.
They made waffles for breakfast but didn't offer me anything but the mess to clean which was fine I suppose since I don't like eating in the morning. They did offer to unload the dishwasher for me though and since I hate that job, I gladly took them up on the offer. Oh, when I say they offered to do it, I mean that I told one of them to do it and he did it without complaining and then I heard the angels rejoicing!
They convinced me that I NEEDED to watch this video about what a fox says. I frankly have never been too concerned about what a fox says but apparently it causes some people quite a bit of angst hence the video production.
It does have a catchy tune, I suppose.
On the way to school, I remembered that we hadn't said family prayer yet so I asked Emily to say it. As she started saying the prayer, I closed my eyes and was just about to fold my arms when I remembered that I was driving. Then I said "oh....I guess I shouldn't close my eyes" which is a very irreverent thing to do (talking) during the prayer. Emily started laughing and then asked that I be blessed with a good night's sleep tonight. They still seem to think I am a bit sleep deprived for some reason.
After taking the kids to school, I decided to tackle the mountain of laundry that I have been ignoring for awhile. Good news....I found the lost pool key in the pocket of your swimsuit. Bad news...that key has been missing for about a month. Surely, I am not such a bad housekeeper it took me a month to wash your swimsuit?! Anyway, I managed to get all of the laundry folded while watching Emma (a great movie, by-the-way, if you like Jane Austen.)
Carson had a great day at school but refused to get off the bus when he found out that you were STILL in Houston!! I bribed him with a snack and scouts so that the long line of cars behind the bus didn't have to wait any longer. I wonder if the bus driver wonders why Carson will only get off the bus when his dad is home? He also had a good time at scouts and is getting to be quite the basketball player!
I have had a song in my head all day after watching the video of the dad and his little girl singing a duet to take her mind off of the fireworks. It's a cute video and it makes me smile but the lyrics have been bothering me all day. It says "I know you belong to somebody new, but tonight you belong to me." So....if you belong to somebody new, shouldn't you still belong to them and not wait until tomorrow to belong to them again after tonight? Just wondering.
As I was turning out all the lights tonight, I glanced over and found this:
I guess we are keeping our dry mustard on top of baby oranges now. Don't ask me why we do these things.
So...that's about it. I hope the axe murderers don't get me tonight!