We took Jared to receive his Partriarchal Blessing this morning. We have been blessed to be able to go with four of our children as they received them and it has been amazing to me to see how the needs and concerns of each of our children and even the concerns of their parents have been addressed in their blessing. They are each unique and wonderful. Heavenly Father has big plans for each of them and I am honored to be their mom!
Gary worked a little on his honey-do list. Part of our closet shelves were falling down and taking the drywall with them so he decided to fix that. He's pretty proud of himself and has pulled a muscle patting himself on the back. I am pleased that I don't have to worry about being crushed by closet shelves. I helped out by taking a nap except for lending my hands to push one of the board against the wall while he lifted it. It was a very important job!!
While I was napping one of our children decided to head off to college. Carson is college bound and he has the badge to prove it. Here are Carson's tips for getting ready for college:
Step 1: Get yourself a college bound pin to wear:
Step 2: Pack your suitcase:

Step 3: Assure your mom that you have your backpack and jacket:
Step 4: Make sure you have your shoes on:

Step 5: Pose for a million pictures (or three):
Step 6: Don't forget your suit coat (and make sure your belly is showing a bit):

Step 7: Don't forget your soccer ball:
Step 8: Text your sister a picture of yourself so she knows who to look for at the airport:
Step 8: Wait forever for your parents to take you to the airport. Get really mad at them and say "I NEED TO GO TO COLLEGE!!" Give up because they won't take you to the airport, change into your CTR Superman shirt, and play some sad sounding melody on the keyboard.

Carson thinks it is really hard to get good help these days!!