Monday, June 29, 2009
To be a Pioneer

Friends Never Say Goodbye
Monday, June 22, 2009
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off To Camp We Go

The feeling was mutual. He was ready to go to camp. He got up right when he was told, was dressed in 5 minutes (even his shoes), ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, and was ready to go right on time! Read my Sabbath Day Bliss to see what a miracle that is.
He's been getting his things ready for about a week. I printed off the list for him and the first things he asked for were matches and a pocket knife. I told him to skip those and get the other stuff on the list. He followed me all over the house asking for matches and a knife over and over again. That child is persistant. He finally got the matches last night. Then at 10:00 (pm) he told me he needed me to do laundry...he didn't have enough clean clothes to go to camp!?! Oh, that child will be the death of me!
We had to do some last minute shopping for a few things, but for the most part she was ready to go. All of her clothes were clean, she didn't ask for matches or a pocket knife...only food! Lots and lots of snack food. A good mother would say 'no' but I think if you are going to be out in the good old outdoors without air conditioning, you need some good snacks to get you through the week.
I really will miss them both. It's so fun to see your children excited about going to camp. I have to admit, I even like the boy that follows me around asking me for a knife and matches. There's just something about a boy that loves dirt, fire, and knives (in a completely non-destructive way) that makes a mom smile!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
To All The Dads I've Loved Before
There was the dad that baptized our family, Elder Fred Duersch, Sr. He had planned on going on a mission with his wife, but she passed away before they were able. At the age of 65 he went on a mission serving with 19 year old boys. He taught by example how to love and serve others and to listen to the prophet. He dug up our yard to plant a garden, he gave us money to travel to the temple, he went through the temple with us and was then able to come to my wedding. He bore his testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel. He answered every letter we wrote him and sent us money to start a missionary fund for our children. What a wonderful example to me.
There have been many bishops that have had an impact on my life, but none more than Bishop John Norris. He was my bishop when Carson was born. He heard that we had a child with Down Syndrome and rushed to the hospital to see what we needed. He told us how lucky we were and what a great gift we had been given. He gave me a blessing that I would be at peace. He would come to Enrichment meetings and walk the halls with Carson so I could enjoy the meeting. It was a very special time that I will never forget.
Gary's dad, James Warburton was another dad that influenced my life. Mostly by teaching his son how to be a good husband and father. He raised a loving and kind son. The most important thing he did was love Gary's mom.
The dad that was Carson's physical therapist. He taught Carson how to walk and step up on a curb. He bounced him on a giant ball while Carson screamed and cried. He sat on a swing with him, swinging back and forth to strengthen his muscles. He didn't do it for the money, he did it because he loved kids with special needs and wanted to help them. I was so happy the day that my son quit doing the bear crawl and stood up and walked. What a great day. Thanks, Tom.
There are so many others. I think this dad is pretty special:
This is my husband of eighteen years. Gary and I have been through alot. He has seen me cry, scream, get mad. We have laughed and had good times together. We have had five beautiful, talented and smart children. He is kind and patient. I have never heard him say a negative thing about anyone. He is a wonderful example of Christlike love and service. I love you, Gary.
this is their serious "pioneer" pose...the big kids can't help but laugh
These are the future dads (and moms) in my life. I hope that I can teach them to be like the dads that taught me. If they are anything like them, they will have blessed children.
I have also been thinking about my Heavenly Father. I'm so grateful that He knows my heart and my intentions. He know my strengths and weaknesses. He love me unconditionally. I am one blessed daughter of God and I am so grateful!
Happy Father's Day!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Something Else I'm Wondering...
I Wonder...
As I finished mopping the entire downstairs, the lightbulb went on. I know why it's called the Wonder Mop. It makes you wonder while you mop. I wonder what mop is your favorite? My favorite is the one that the cleaning lady is holding. You know...that person you pay money to come to your house, clean it, and when they leave it smells good...for about 5 minutes if you're lucky.
If you're wondering...the Wonder Mop is okay. It was better after I figured out that you have to turn the thing at the bottom to get the excess water out. Before that, I wondered why they had a wringer on the mop if it didn't wring out the water. It was just a big wet mess on my floor. I guess if all else fails, read the instructions... or hire a maid. I wonder if my husband would mind?
We Will Love Him And Call Him George
After a few days of the cat running in, Gary got annoyed and threw the cat off the porch (not in a cruel way) and yelled at the cat to go away. The kids were very upset with him. He got this email later on in the day:
Hi Mr. Man-who-threw-me-off-the-porch,
Shanon let me in and gave me a nice warm bowl of milk. I am now laying down for a nap in your bed on your pillow. Meow! Thank you for your hospitality. Your family loves me, hugs me, squeezes me and calls me...
George the Cat
Meow! George
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tempting...But No
She always had a good story to tell. Anyone have a funny story to share? I'm missing my sister today and could use a laugh!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Of Course I Rotate The Tires...How Do You Think I Got Here?
I was reminded of this today as I was driving my car that is desperately in need of an oil change. My car starts off by gently reminding me that it is time. "Excuse me, when you have the time I could use some clean oil and maybe a new filter. No hurry, though, just whenever you get to it." The maintenance light comes on as I am starting the car and stays on a few seconds longer than normal. If I ignore it, the light will start blinking after I start the car. "I don't mean to be a bother, but I could really use an oil change. It's been 4 months and the oil is starting to look like a bad cup of coffee." This is when the car has just had enough. "Okay, fine. If you are going to ignore me then I will start to break one piece at a time." The maintenance light stays on...like it's yelling at me. Then the automatic door quits working and the locks only work sometimes. I should probably take care of it at this point. If I don't, the hatchback might fall on my head as I'm loading the groceries. Not that I know this from experience or anything.
I guess it's time for me to visit Jiffy Lube....and maybe take a couple of Ibuprofen.
Update: Gary replaced the things in the hatchback. Yay...no more loading with one hand while holding with the other. Just so Gary would know that the car still needed an oil change...the hatchback fell on his head while he was fixing it. He might need a couple of Ibuprofen, too. This car sure is touchy!
Monday, June 15, 2009
No Smackdown Today
Sabbath Day Bliss
*or you are thinking...she puts make up on and still looks like THAT?!!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
How To Compromise Or Why I'm A Chocoholic
Dear Gary, I am patiently waiting for the email from you that tells me your computers are so slow that you are going to come pick up Jared at 9:30, take him to see the doctor, go thru a drive thru to get him some lunch and then take him back to school. I know you are going to do that because you love me so much and you're concerned that I might just end up in the loony bin or the cardiac unit. I'm waiting.......Love, Shanon PS You can even work late and I won't be mad!
Dear Shanon, You can do it, you can do it, you can do it. Just keep repeating to yourself, I can do it and be happy. Love Gary
Dear Gary, I can't hear you...I'm still waiting for the email that tells me what I WANT to hear. Love, Shanon
Dear Shanon, Shouldn’t it be “ I can’t read you, I can't read you”? Thanks, Gary
Dear Gary, Whatever! Pleeeeeeeeeease?!!!!!!!!! (picture pouty lip). Shanon
Dear Shanon, Sadly, our system is actually working this morning. I must stay. Remember, Jared sometimes can be bribed with food. Love, Gary
Dear Gary, Stupid system! Jared isn't the problem (not this time anyway.) I'm imagining brain tumors, horrible cancers, diabetes, the list goes on and on. I'm going to be mad at you, but remember I can be bribed with chocolate. She walks away with a heavy sigh...
Shanon, Remember 2 Timothy 1:7 (Pres. Hinckley’s favorite) For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of a love, and of a sound mind. Love, Gary
Gary, Thanks, Humpf! I was given the spirit of worry! I SAID I can be bribed with chocolate!!! Sigh.....
Dear Shanon, Don’t Worry the chocolate will be there tonight! Love, Gary
Luckily, when I went to pick up Jared he was taking a test so I rescheduled the appointment. I scheduled it for a day when Gary could take him...and he still brought chocolate. See how we compromise!
Friday, June 12, 2009
He Loves Me...He Loves Me Not...He Loves Me!
Dear Mr. Warburton,
I am writing to inform you that we have issued a quarantine on your home. If you know what's good for you, you will run for your life (and maybe check into a hotel!) Don't say I didn't warn you!!
The Health Department
(or the ill-health department)
Oh oh………is everyone sick now?
Dear Mr. Warburton,
All the girls are sick (although I think Emily is on the mend). Carson perked up this morning, but now that the ibuprofen has worn off he is pitiful. Shanon is in a cold medicine induced stupor. She has been ordered by the health department to go to bed...and NO COOKING!!! If you don't want your family to starve, you should probably drop off dinner at the door before you run for your life. She has also been ordered to not drive since she almost ran over the curb as she was leaving to pick up Kinsey. She said she will obey that order as soon as she picks up her oldest. Then she will come home and pass out...and yes she knows she is a whiner, but for heavens sake--she is sick!
Chris and Jared have not made it home yet, but it is only a matter of time. This is a very contagious virus.
We are very sorry to have to deliver all this bad news. Like we said, run as fast as you can to the nearest germ-free place...after you deliver the food!
Sincerely, The Health Department
Sounds like a very dangerous place to be. I may have to wear a face mask while in the premises. Sounds like a good night for chicken soup but I don’t know how to make it and I don’t think you want to eat at midnight. So I will think of some sort of good dinner.
He came home and made us soup...not the chicken soup I was hoping for but I digress. He wasn't even wearing a mask. He must really love me!
It wasn't really the health department...it was me. Shhhhh...don't tell Gary!
The Things I Learned While In The Closet
Carson and I went into the closet when they said it was near Round Rock. No one else wanted to go in because they wanted to see the storm on TV. When the TV went out they all started coming in. Not because they wanted to be safe but because I had the laptop. Carson and I were very comfortable until everyone started crowding around us. They wanted our spots. There were feet, pillows, and blankets everywhere. Then it started to get warm in there so I braved the elements and left the closet to make the air colder. When I came back in, everyone was thirsty so I once again braved the elements to get everyone a drink. By this time I had lost my comfy spot and the laptop so I had to find a new place to sit. I started moving stuff out of the closet. By this time everyone was hungry so I braved the elements once again to find some snacks. When I came back, Gary told me that the storm had passed and we could leave the closet. Oh...okay...as long as we're safe now.
So what I learned while in the closet...just stay out of the closet. Maybe even stand out in the yard and pray that the storm takes you quickly. It couldn't be as bad as being in a closet with a husband, 5 kids (and we only had 3 that night), a laptop, no food (except #10 cans with no can opener), no drinks, and lots of junk. Another thing I learned? That food in the 72 hour kits I made last year and put under my bed still tasted good....at least the dumdums. What an appropriate snack for the evening.
After the storm, I went up stairs and destroyed my couch with a hammer. I love demolition!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
He Duz That All The Time
Carson doesn't enjoy browsing through Target as much as I do, but he tolerated it because he was excited about going to see the toys. Most people with a 6 year old would rather go to the dentist or have a baby without an epidural than go to the toy aisle. I am usually one of those people because it makes me sad. Carson has never gotten excited about the toys. He didn't seem to understand or pay attention. Today was different. He noticed the toys. He wanted to inspect every one. He was looking for the perfect gift for his friend. He said "bop" (stop) every time he saw a toy he liked. It was pure joy! I had the best time with him. He finally picked out a Spongebob Connect Four game. What does a mom who is in a good mood do? She buys two, of course! One for the birthday boy and one for Carson. I don't do it alot so you can't really call it spoiling!
We came home and wrapped the gift with robot paper and a robot card. Carson was enjoying this birthday party stuff. He was very excited to put on his suit and new water shoes and head to the party. We walked into party central and he ran right up to Trevor and gave him his gift and then decided to play the video game that Trevor was playing. Trevor handed the gift to me and said, "oh, this pwesent is fwom Cawson. He's oveh theh (points to TV). He duz that all the time!" It was so normal. A birthday boy having his friend come over for fun times and video games like it's something they do every weekend.
Carson played on the water slide...up and down, up and down. Splash, splash, splash. Normal stuff. I sat on the sidelines, talked to friends, relaxed. I enjoyed myself. I heard Carson screaming and someone said oh, don't worry...it's Carson laughing everytime they come down the slide. I helped make sno cones and passed out cupcakes. I laughed and enjoyed myself a lot.
I wish I could say "he duz that all the time" but he doesn't. Carson has Down Syndrome. He doesn't get invited to many parties. It's sad for a mom, luckily he doesn't know any different right now. He just had a fun time like he "duz it all the time." What a great day! Thanks Trevor, Jeannie, Katelynne, and Trey. You made a mom and boy smile. He had so much fun, he came home and fell asleep on the couch at 5:00. What a perfect day. A perfectly NORMAL day!
By-the-way, what would a perfectly normal mom do? She would forget her camera! If anyone has pictures of my Carson and Emily could I have a copy? Thanks!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Day 6
Monday, June 8, 2009
HISMSV - Day 5
It all started when I woke up at 3:30 am and just got worse from there. My theory about having a clean kitchen was not true...my kitchen was spotless, but still I woke up early. I have driven children all over town, heard "mommeeeeee" a million and one times, and heard Emily tell Jared to "st-o-o-o-o-p" which he loves to hear because he didn't stop. Then it escalated into screaming which made Carson cry which resulted in them being sent to bed without dinner at 4:00. Can I scream like that, too?!! Maybe I should send myself to bed.
I'm tired and cranky and I want to go to Hershey, PA and eat all the chocolate in the town. Maybe sit in town square and pay someone to bring it to me. I think I should probably have my mouth sewn shut so I don't weigh 1000 lbs when this mood passes.
On a positive note: I finished the seat cushion for Emily's window seat. It only took me eight months to finish. It is very cozy and comfy. If I were her I would spend hours in there reading a book. She may be doing that since I sent her and Jared to bed.
Ahhhh...peace and quiet.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Happy Happy Birthday
Happy, happy birthday, Daddy dear
Happy days will come to you all year.
If I had one wish then it would be
A happy, happy birthday to you from me.
This is my daddy, George Michael Welch. He was born on June 7, 1938 so today is his 71st birthday. He doesn't look a day over 50. A few things about my dad:
- he is called by many names: I call him Daddy, my kids call him Papa, my mom calls him Mike, at work he was called Trooper Welch then Sergeant Welch and maybe Corporal in between, at church he is called Brother Welch, he is called a friend by many, some people call him stubborn, and some people call him things I can't say, but I'll just stick with Daddy since it's his birthday
- he has this strange obsession with Adam's (you know, Adam and Eve Adam) belly button...he always asks the missionaries if Adam had a belly button, when they said yes he would ask why since he wasn't born then the poor missionaries would run screaming from the house...come to think of it, maybe it is an obsessions with torturing 19 year old missionaries
- Sunday School teachers always love it when he raises his hand, because he usually has something thought provoking to add to the lesson.....or not
- he loves classical music and the opera
- he gets up early because that is the noble thing to do, but likes to take a nap every day.
- he is very resourceful...in this picture he is using a cardboard juice box as a pillow
- he is a gifted and talented woodcarver...he gives me a hand-carved Santa or piece of a nativity every year...it is something I will treasure forever!
- all of his carvings and hand-made furniture have the ASL sign for "I love you"
- he is left-handed and thinks that Jesus is left-handed
- he loves his family
- he was always very protective of me...I am his favorite daughter :-)
I love you, Daddy! Have a great day!
HISMSV - Days 3 and 4
So anyway....if you do count it as summer vacation, this is what I did:
Day 3
- Got up at 5:30 am, not the 2:30 that I predicted (yay!), but still way too early for a Sat. (boo!)
- Cleaned the kitchen - are you noticing a pattern? maybe if I cleaned the kitchen at night I would be able to sleep in.
- I did some laundry - yes, we are doing laundry all the time around here. It is NEVER caught up.
- I helped Emily make cookies for the daddy/daughter activity. They were chocolate chip and the cookie dough was delicious.
- I cleaned Carson's room and then kicked him out of his room so I could turn it into a scrapbook/craft/sewing/computer/homework room.
- Moved Carson's stuff to the learning center. It is soooooo cute. It's like his own little dorm room. He loves it! We hung curtains up at the entry so he can have privacy, or not, whichever he chooses.
- Picked Chris up from SAT test.
- Went to Home Depot with Gary to get supplies to make Carson a small desk and book rack. Gary finished the desk and now has a new project to do. Poor man will never finish his to-do list because his wife has OCD and ADD tendencies.
- Helped Gary make the desk.
- Went to bed, couldn't sleep, got up, read a book, fell asleep on the couch.
Day 4
- Woke up way to early (what is wrong with me, I used to sleep so well)?
- Got ready for church.
- We were late because I was asked at the last minute to teach Carson's class (it couldn't be helped...children never get sick early enough for good planning).
- About 15 minutes into the meeting Carson wet his pants (and not with the sacrament water).
- Took Carson to the bathroom, took off his wet clothes, and told him to stay there while I went to get a diaper or underwear.
- Ran out to the car, found a diaper, and ran back inside.
- Carson did not stay in the bathroom...he was standing in the foyer naked from the waist down (except white socks and sandals...yes, he is a fashion victim).
- I didn't have extra pants, just a diaper so I took him back to the meeting with church shirt, sandals, white socks, and diaper...I expect babyGap to call any day now.
- Decided the best thing to do was go home after sacrament meeting.
- Found someone to substitute Carson's class for me (I was substituting for someone who was substituting for the regular teacher...got that?).
- Went and visited with our friend Vilate...she hit us both in the head which I'm sure is her way of saying "I love you :-)"
- Went home.
- Wanted to take a nap but I can't seem to sit still long enough. One day I'll just drop off to sleep, right?!!
That's my summer vacation...weekend edition. If something exciting...like Carson sneaking out to the pool that still has poop water from yesterday and playing in it...happens, I'll let you know.
Friday, June 5, 2009
The Fwimi Poo
Carson loves his fwimi soup (swimming suit). He also loves his fwimi poo (swimming pool). Speaking of poo...right after I took these pictures guess what?!? Yep, he pooped in the pool. When a little boy gets into his swimming, something like going potty is easy to forget. Add that to my list of exciting summer vacation activities...draining poo water and cleaning a poopy fwimi soup.
I think his talking is quite cute!
How I Spent My Summer Vacation - Day 2
- woke up a 4:30 am (wiiiiide awake)
- cleaned the kitchen
- swept and mopped the kitchen floor
- did two loads of laundry
- went on the computer for a few minutes
- woke Gary up at 6 am to go walking with me and he didn't even scream or throw a pillow at me...I know I would have (aren't double standards great!)
- got Carson "boclate" breakfast drink
- hauled a mattress and broken wagon out to the curb
- called the garbage department to find out if I can put a sectional sofa by the curb...the answer is "yes" but only 1 big item a week (it will take me 5 weeks to get rid of the sofa)
- went to my doctor's appointment...she hinted strongly that I should give up sugar...I can see the headline now "mom of 5 goes crazy after giving up sugar"...maybe summer vacation isn't the best time to do that
- bought a pattern to make Emily a new nightgown (she liked Kinsey's so much)...ugh...more sewing!
- learned that Emily can start a fire with a magnifying glass and a leaf and she likes the smell (should I be worried?)
- learned a new song from Emily
Now the positive:
- now that I have put the song in your head it will leave mine
- I went shopping and bought myself something new
- I enjoyed the walk...it was a great way to start the day with my hubby
- I made banana bread yesterday so I had some for breakfast
- I had a shower and fixed my hair
- Carson is working on his fine motor strength (by squirting a water bottle at me)
- I don't have to go anywhere else today
I know it's only 2:oo, but that's enough trauma and positive thinking for the day. I think I'll go to bed now. If I have started a new pattern, I'll be awake at 2:30 am tomorrow.
How I Spent My Summer Vacation - Day 1
- woke up at 6:30 am
- finished sewing the pioneer dresses, bonnets, pantaloons, apron and nightgown
- panicked because I couldn't get the bonnets to work right
- called my mom and begged her to make the bonnets in exchange for free babysitting
- She said "yes" I said "wow" she said "when" I said "how about right now"
- Oh sorry...that's a country song...she just sighed heavily and said yes.
- helped Kinsey pack for her trip
- took Kinsey to her friend's house
- cleaned up the sewing explosion
- picked Kinsey up from her friend's house
- took Chris to band practice
- took Kinsey to airport
- said "yes Carson?" a million times when he said "mommeeeeeeeee" screechingly
- heard a lot of "no, momeee, noooooooooooooooo!!!"
- told Emily she could go to a friend's house (forgot to ask which friend, where she lives, phone #)
- oops...she called an hour later to let me know she got there safely
- told Jared he could go to friend's house
- 5:06 pm Chris comes running down the stairs yelling "mom, you were supposed to take me somewhere at 5 (his eyes say "you idiot mom, you are supposed to remind me!")
- rush to take him, hoping they haven't left yet
- Gary comes home takes Carson to Chick-fil-a for some emma-ade
- I lock the doors really fast because the house is blissfully quiet
- Emily rings the doorbell 5 minutes later...darn, peace is gone
- everyone comes home, I fall asleep in the chair
- Kinsey made it safely to Florida - no hijackers, plane crashes, giant fat men taking up 2 1/2 seats smelling like smoke or b.o. and getting drunk
- Carson played in our little pool for a very long time...he loves his pool...the best $20 I ever spent
- I finished the pioneer wardrobe
- Chris was being taken out to dinner because he memorized all of the scripture mastery scriptures for seminary this year
- Carson had fun playing in the playland at Chick-fil-a
- Carson doesn't know that when someone says "he talks funny" to be insulted...he loves them anyway (the someone was 4 and his parents were mortified)
- Emily got to play at a friend's house
- Jared got to play at a friend's house
- I had a nice, hot bubble bath and a few minutes of peace
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Pioneer Mothers Cursed As They Sewed
Kinsey has not pulled up roots yet. Her heart is still in Florida so when her old bishop asked if she wanted to go on their pioneer trek she said "I don't know, I might sweat" and then decided to go. I was the lucky one to draw the sewing of the clothes. Yes...I sew. I stink at sewing, but yes, I sew. Please don't tell anyone.
I have been making dresses, pantaloons, bonnets, aprons, and a nightgown for what seems like weeks. I'm over the pioneer clothes. I feel like I'm sewing for Goldilocks. The first dress was too tight, the second dress was too big, hopefully third time's just right! I haven't finished it yet. Should I be worried? It is 11:30pm on the day before she leaves and I am sitting here blogging instead of sewing. I had to. It was that or throw the sewing machine out the window.
Pioneer mothers cursed as they sewed and sewed and sewed and sewed.
Pioneer mothers cursed as they sewed and sewed and sewed and sewed.
Husbands came home, talked and said nothing much
Then late at night she said "don't touch"
Week after week she cursed as she longed for a trip but all she did was sew.
I think I might be a bit on the hormonal side too. I have told my husband many times that he says too many words when he is telling me something. "Tell me what you want, what you really really want." Yes, I sang that. Doesn't he know I am busy. I don't have time for a conversation. I just want to tell him to hush and not call me again! Not nice, I know.