One of Carson's favorite people in the world is his Nana. She has been living in Texas for the last year, but decided to move back to St. George, UT. Gary drove her back this past weekend and then flew home on Sunday. Carson was really upset that he didn't get to go with them so he refused to kiss Nana or even say goodbye to her. He didn't really understand what was going on so everytime the front door opened this weekend he would say "hi dad" then would be very disappointed when one of us would say "hi Carson". I let him go with me to the airport to pick up Gary. He was very excited...Yay, Dad! He tried to take a nap on the way, but I told him to stay awake or he would miss finding Dad...Yay Dad! We found him, Carson was very excited for a minute and then let him know he was still mad at him for leaving. He even said no when Gary offered him chocolate, but then came to his senses and accepted it...I guess it's easy to forgive when you offer chocolate! He's still not sure what's going on because he put on his shoes this morning so he could go to Nana's house. I told him she wasn't there and his shoulders sunk to his knees as he walked away dejected. It's so sad when one of your best friends moves away:(
That brakes my heart! That's so hard because they don't understand... Hopefully she comes back to visit A TON!!
aww! that makes me sad :( carson is always welcome over here! i can even give him some chocolate!
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