to take care of them when they feel like this:

and for moms to do this:

while their cute little boys do this:

Poor Carson got sick some time during the night. He didn't even come tell us. When I went to wake him up this morning for school he was fast asleep in a very messy bed. He does not like it when I wake him up so I let him sleep for another hour. He woke up very cheerfully and yelled from his bed "hi dad". We got him bathed and dressed comfy and fixed him a nice bed on the couch. I spent most of the time this morning catching fluids in a towel that his stomach rejected. Carson gets offended if I bring out a bucket or a bag. He would like to freely vomit and just let it land where it lands...thank you very much! I, on the other hand, don't have money for a new couch so I put a blanket down, with towels on top of the blanket, with new towels around if I need to change the old one, and extra towels to catch with. Then I sit on the couch and hover, ready to catch anything that comes out of that cute little mouth. When I do catch something, I then wipe his face and he says "Ahhh.....thanks mom!" If he has the strength he will also stroke my cheek. SO SWEET!!! Let's just all say "awwwwww" together! We've also watched many episodes of Fineas and Ferb. Does anyone else not get this show or is it just me? Anyway...atleast I got a little break from spongebob!!
I will gladly watch Fineas and Ferb (and spongebob), do laundry, hover, and catch vomit, though, because what else would a mom of this cute little boy do?!
Love you, Carson. Feel better soon!
Oh, and yesterday I was doing some of the same things for this cute girl:
Luckily, she is feeling better. Love you Emily
Which one of these three do you think will be next?
Hopefully, none of them! Love you Chris, Jared, & Kinsey
Let's face it.....the mom always gets it!
So sorry to hear about your sick Carson and Emily!! I hope everyone stays well :)
We do that same technique except we use a bucket with a trashbag in it so that I can tie it up and throw it away everytime but we do the sheets on the couch with towels to switch out as needed.
I love Phineas and Ferb 1 million times more than SpongeBob :)
He is a cutie - hope he (and everyone else) is feeling better today!
I am just like you towels, sheets and whatever else I have on hand to spare the furniture.
And just to break ranks, I would watch Spongebob over Phineas and Ferb ANY day. I have a not-so-secret loathing for ANYTHING Disney of late...
How sweet and cute is that little guy! It just melts my heart when they say "Thank you" after you cleaned up their vomit! I hope that no one else get's this YUCKY BUG! Thanks again for an awesome post. Just LOVE when you post!
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