Monday, October 3, 2011

You're BEAST!

Conversation on the way to high school this morning.

Kinsey: That guy's in beast mode.
Me: What?!
Kinsey: That guy's in beast mode.
Me: ?!? What does that mean?
Kinsey: (slightly rolling her eyes) That means awesome!
Me: It does? Since when?

I started looking around for the guy she was talking about and see an ordinary teenager standing on the side of the road. Assuming that she is talking about him, I ask why he is so "beast."

Kinsey rolls her eyes again and said she was reading the bumper sticker on the bright green car that just drove by.

Oh, I guess I was too busy paying attention to the ordinary teenager because I missed the car.

I did what any hip and groovy mother would do and said "Kinsey, you're beast!"

Her eyes rolled out of her head and onto the floor.

Just about that time we pulled into the school and I turned around to Jared (who had missed the entire conversation because he had his earbuds in) and said "Jared, you're beast!"

Kinsey said (just slightly loud enough for me to hear), "I'm kind of sorry I ever said anything."

Jared said "Moooommmm, you can't say things like that! That's what teenagers say!"

When all is said and done, I want my children to remember that I was with it so, as I was pulling away, I rolled down the window and yelled "Kinsey, YOU'RE BEAST!!!"

She acted like she had no clue who I was.

Kids these days.

They get embarrassed so easily!


amy k said...

That's great (and funny). I heard that phrase on the Biggest Loser last season and have been using it ever since so I think it's okay for moms to use. I love your family picture too!

Anonymous said...

Someday, they will have teenagers to embarrass them, and you'll just smile and enjoy the moment. :)

Sheyenne said...

I've been listening to that stupid word for the past two years from Gabby and little Dario. It drives me INSANE! I should start using it all the time so maybe it will go out of style...

Tammy said...

Ummmm Shannon you're a Beast for yelling it out the window. Im soooo proud. Something I would totaly do.

Garnerfam said...

This is the funniest story ever! I hope I do that to my kids one day. So awesome!