Friday, October 11, 2013

It's My Party And I'll Clean If I Want To!

I have no reason to write Gary a letter since he is coming home today but I have enjoyed keeping track of my days so I'm going to keep doing it until I start to not enjoy it or get busy or lazy.

Carson came down this morning right after the big kids left for church.  He staggered into my room and face-planted on the bed.  He fell back to sleep before he'd even gotten his feet on the bed and even slept through the alarm.  I bribed him with a chocolate breakfast drink to get him to wake up. 

I usually make him an egg breakfast taco but at his ARD meeting yesterday I found out that he is eating breakfast at home, then eating breakfast as soon as he gets to school, having a snack at 10 and lunch at noon!!  How does he eat that much food?  We decided we should probably skip the breakfast at home and just let him eat at school since he likes eating with his friends.

Emily came in this morning and asked me how I liked her outfit.  She had on a skirt I had never seen before so I asked her if it was new.  She said she got it awhile back but it was too long so she hemmed it.  I was kind of shocked by that.  She had cut and hemmed it this morning before school and after seminary!!  It takes me months to get the courage to try to fix something, another month to finally pull out the sewing machine, lots of time deciding how short or long to make it, hours to iron it before I sew it and then I usually hate it when I'm finished.  She just whipped that up in less than an hour!!  I guess that's the difference between a perfectionist and a free spirit.  I didn't even know she knew how to use a sewing machine without help.  I told her I was flabbergasted with how good it looked!  I might hire her as my personal seamstress.

Today is Jared's birthday.  My third 17 year old!  How in the world did that happen?!  It seems like just yesterday, I was being pressured by the anesthesiologist to get an epidural.  I didn't because I made the mistake of reading the risks of having an epidural and just didn't feel like I should have one.  It was all going perfectly fine until they told me to push and *OUCH!!* and then I changed my mind and decided to not have a baby.  Since he is celebrating his birthday today, obviously my plan did not work.  He was so mad to be pushed into this world.  That kid kicked and screamed for the longest time.  All of my other babies cried for a minute or two and then were happy to be held by their mom but not Jared!!  He claims that he was trying to say "just a minute" when he was told it was time to come because he had something else to do which wouldn't surprise me considering I spend a lot of my time waiting for him.  He's a good kid though.  We'll keep him!  Happy Birthday to Jared.  Your family loves you!!

Gary is back home so all is right in Carson's world.  Gary got quite the homecoming from him.  Carson has a way of making you feel like you are the most important person in the world when you walk through the front door whether you've been gone for a week or a couple of hours.  He's such a cute kid!!  My homecoming for Gary was "Oh good!  You're home!  Come on, we need to take dinner to someone."  Pretty romantic, don't you think?  I did save him some so he could eat too but we had to wait until we got back home.

Now we are looking forward to a nice weekend of organizing and cleaning.  Do we know how to party or what?!

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