Sunday, August 17, 2014

I'm Not Laughing AT Him, I'm Laughing WITH Him

A computer genius AND a country music star!!
Last week, Gary was trying to do something with our finances that required him to type in a password to sign into his online account.  He kept typing in the password but the computer kept saying that it didn't recognize him.  He was getting more and more frustrated as the time for him to leave for work got closer so in desperation, he called the bank....for the second or third time that see if they could help him figure out why he couldn't sign in with the password that they had just given him and told him would work.  After spending a few minutes on the phone, he hung up.  I glanced over and asked him if he had gotten the problem figured out and he looked at me sheepishly and said "It was a user error.  I forgot a letter."

User errors happen a lot around here.  Gary and I are not computer geniuses.

Another thing Gary is not is a singer.  The first time we went to sacrament meeting together a long time ago in a land far, far away, I burst out laughing the minute he started singing the hymn....yet he still married me!  He sings with a country twang, always 1/2 a beat slower than everyone else, makes up words if he doesn't know how the song goes, and sings louder than everyone else around him.

So today in church the hymn we were singing had 5 verses.  When we finished with verse 4, he went back and started singing verse 4 again.  I started out singing verse 5 but like I said, he sings out with gusto so when he started singing verse 4, I got a little confused.  I leaned over to Emily (who I later found out was also confused when he started in on verse 4) and asked her what verse we were supposed to be on and she said 5, so I leaned over to Gary and pointed out what verse he was supposed to be singing.  He stopped, paused for a minute to change course and then started singing the right verse.  At the end, he said "Well...that was sneaky!" because he thought that the organist had made a mistake and skipped verse 4.  I said "You sang verse 4 twice, instead of going to verse 5 like you were supposed to.  It wasn't sneaky, it was you."

Then, because I am so clever, I wrote him a little note..."User error!"  He wrote back "Agreed!!"  Then we laughed as the bishop called out the sacrament hymn and I leaned over and said "You sing verse 1, then verse 2, then verse 3."  He assured me that he could sing a song with only 3 verses the right's when a song has 5 verses that he gets messed up.

If you've never heard "Upon The Cross of Calvary" with a country twang, you should ask him to sing it for you.  It's a classic!!

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