Friday, April 17, 2009

Fly Away Kentucky Babe

Singing around the piano has always been a part of my life. It's something I remember doing as a kid at my grandparents home. My grandma would play the piano and my grandpa would lead everyone in singing. My grandparents grew up in the south so it would be the old southern hymns or the war songs. Then my grandparents passed away, but the singing didn't stop. During my time in Young Women my mom was the YW president. The youth would come to our house every Sunday night and we would sing around the piano. My sister Beth, would play the piano while the rest of us would harmonize and my dad would lead us in singing. Beth left home and got married, but we still sang. We had to find a new piano player, but singing was a part of us. We all eventually got married and left home, but every time we would get together we would sing around the piano.

So, anyway, last night I couldn't sleep. I had this song running thru my head...over and over again:

The lines that kept running thru my head were "fly away, fly away Kentucky Babe, fly away to rest...You is mighty lucky, Babe of Old Kentucky, close your eyes in sleep." I was tired and I wanted to just sleep, but that song was stuck there. I haven't heard the song since Christmas when we were all together and sang that song around the piano.

This morning I got a call from my mom. My sister, Lori, went into respiratory arrest last night. They did a cat scan this morning and there is no brain activity. My little sister lost her battle with breast cancer. I guess she came to sing me to sleep just like we did when we were little. We would lay in our bunk beds and sing each other to sleep. I wish I had been more grateful and enjoyed her beautiful voice longer.

I guess I'm a little selfish too. I wanted her to stay here with us. I wanted her to have the miraculous healing talked about in the scriptures. I wanted her to get better, to raise her two children, to tell me funny stories and to go shopping with me. I can't believe my little sister is not here to sing to us anymore.

I keep thinking that she was also trying to tell me she was flying away. Flying away from all the pain and uncertainty of the last few years. She has been thru so much. I hated to see her lose the ability to do the things she loved. I am glad she is no longer in pain.

I like to think she is singing around the piano with all her loved ones. Maybe she will be in the heavenly choir. My grandpa is probably trying to lead.

I love you Lori. Fly away and rest.


chelon:) said...

i am so sorry shanon. what a neat experience to have with the music last night. she must have wanted you to know she was at peace again. simply beautiful! my prayers are with you.

Patti said...

I saw your note on Segullah and followed your link. I lost my 41 year old sister to breast cancer 11 years ago. Hard. I'm so sorry.

I hope the good memories you described get you through this hard time.

Sage said...

I just wanted to say that I am very sorry for your loss. I hope you can be comforted in some way. Thanks for your comment on Segullah. God bless you and your family.

Kristi said...

Oh Shannon, I am so sorry. I can't imagine how hard that would be.

Adam said...

I Loved singing that song at christmas. it one of my favorite memories in florida. it inspired me, not just that song.. but just singing... my mom talks about it alot. now me and a whole bunch of my friends sing around the piano whenever we can :D. I LOVE IT! Whenever we go to a school dance we will all get together and sing hymns and childrens hymns. well, one day me and a group went to my choir teacher and made aunt lori a cd. it was a very special experience. it had 7-8 songs and hymns that we thought brought the spirit and sent a message of love to aunt lori... we gave it to her about two a month ago, it was at her bennefit concert. I never knew if she liked it or not. But Im glad I got to have that experience... If you want a copy I could mail you a copy of the cd we made... I love you aunt shannon! I hope you guys are doing well... I miss Aunt lori, but im glad she is happy...