Thursday, May 14, 2009

Am I Normal?

The other night as I was going to bed, I realized that my 12 year old had gone upstairs to take a shower, but had never come back down. He usually will come down to get in one last argument before bed. So I immediately thought....he must have drowned in the bathtub. I mentioned that to my husband, but that thought had never even entered his mind. He wasn't even worried about it after I put the thought in his head. Sheesh...does the man ever worry about anything? It is perfectly normal to think that your 12 year old son has fallen asleep or hit his head and drown in the bathtub. Isn't it?

Before I could sleep I had to go upstairs and check on him. No, my husband would not go up and do it for me! As I was walking past my 17 year old son's bedroom, I noticed his door was locked. He had been mad at us before he went to bed because we told him his time on the computer was up. I immediately thought that maybe he had run away or hung himself. Again, my husband was not worried in the least even after I mentioned it to him. Isn't it normal to think that your 17 year old has run away or hung himself because he was mad at you for telling him to get off the computer? Isn't it?

I have had moments of not feeling quite right for a couple of days now. I'm sure it's the swine flu. Is my husband worried? Of course not. He even kissed me when he came home from work! What is wrong with that man? Doesn't he know how contagious it is? It's normal for me to think that a bout of queasiness is swine flu...right?!

My 10 year old has been getting a few headaches. I'm pretty sure it's a brain tumor. My husband did say maybe we should take her to a doctor. A doctor? Are you crazy? The doctor only gives you bad news. I can't deal with a brain tumor at the moment. That's normal isn't it?

My husband called the other day and sounded funny on the phone. I thought he must be having a stroke. Then he hung up on me. I immediately went into panic mode. Someone call 911 your dad is having a stroke! Turns out it was bad reception. Bad reception on a phone makes everyone think the person they are talking to is having a stroke, right?

Well, I gotta go. I think that sitting here with the computer in my lap is causing cancer in my leg. Admit it...that thought has crossed your mind too. I'm normal. Right? Hello...anybody out there?


Unknown said...

Like you have often said, you did inherit the family worry gene.


Tammy said...

First, You are NOT normal!! But, that's what I love about you. You are so funny and honest.
Second, BOYS in the shower, locking their doors HMMMM???? (Need I say More)

Third, usually the things we worry about the most never happen to us. So don't worry or actually DO worry so it never happens to you.

Hope you have a More Worry Free Day.

sweetnsourcottoncandy said...

you aren't worried about me??? well i guess that makes sense because i am the responsible child :) i love you

Kristi said...

It is so funny that Tammy said that because I think that is why I worry so much! If I worry about it maybe, just maybe it won't happen, because people always say " I never thought this could happen to me". You never hear "I totally KNEW this was going to happen!". That will be you and me on our swine flu death beds, unless the tornado gets us first.

Shanon said...

Yes Kinsey, I'm worried about you too. You are going to Florida for Trek. You could get bitten by a snake, attacked by a wild boar, struck by lightening, heat stroke, frost bite...okay maybe not frostbite. All those other things could totally happen though. Then there is the airplane ride! Nevermind, I changed my mind. You have to stay locked in your room for the rest of your life! There, how's that for worry!

Shanon said...

Kristi, the tornado won't get us because we are always hiding under the stairs! I have imagined every possible death so I am so prepared to say "See...I told you this would happen to me!!"