Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Darn Overachievers!

When we moved from Florida to Texas, there were lots of tears and drama. We had the kids leaving their friends drama, the I hate Texas drama, the we don't know anyone drama...but the biggest drama came when Kinsey found out she would have to take PE. Oh...the horror!

In order to keep peace in the family, I encouraged Kinsey to take dance classes. She was very hesitant, but anything was better than being out in the hot sun having to run, and play sports, and sweat! Can you hear the drama of a 13 year old? So, she took dance and has really enjoyed it. Ballet seems to be her favorite.

When a child signs up for dance the school wants you to sign up to be a dance parent. They have committees to join, fund raisers to coordinate, field trips to go on, water and snacks to provide...the possibilities are endless. We have failed miserably as dance parents. We stink!! We discovered this at the very first performance. We showed up with our family and the camera. What good parents we were to support our daughter, bring our large family and remember the camera. Woo hoo! We are awesome. Then we looked around and saw all the parents with flowers for their girls. Oh no, you are supposed to bring flowers? Of course, she noticed that everyone had flowers but her! (insert teenage drama) Sorry, we didn't know. Look though, we brought the large family and the camera! Whatever...thanks mom and dad!

Last week, she had her final recital in middle school. I got to the school early because Kinsey hinted (very strongly) that the dance department would be selling flowers to give to our hardworking daughters. "Mom...I actually sweated!" (more teenage drama) I was prepared. I took my $2.00 and bought a rose. Wow, again I am awesome. Then, just to show me what a loser I really am, this mom comes and buys $10.00 worth of flowers. One of every color. So I slink off with my miserable flower and sit down. I look around and all the parents have bouquets of flowers plus they buy flowers from the dance department. Wow, Shanon, you really are a loser!

I hold on to this pitiful excuse for a flower the entire hour of the performances. It starts to sag and wilt. I swear I heard it say "water...I need water!" At the end of the show we clap, tell her how proud we are and give her the flower. She glances at the pitiful flower and runs off to hang out with her friend. Her friend's parents want a picture of the two of them. The girl hands Kinsey one of her bouquets so that they each have one in the picture. The lights are buzzing "loser, loser" as I realize that I forgot our camera and I don't even have the excuse of a large family because I left them at home!

I hang my head as I leave. On the way home, Kinsey says "don't I deserve a dinner out and ice cream from Maggie Moos?" It is getting late, I am tired, she had dinner before we left and Maggie Moos is expensive! Hello, I just paid $2.00 for a flower! "Mommmm...I worked hard, I stayed and practiced for 2 hours yesterday, I deserve it!" (more teenage drama) I tell her to talk to her dad when she gets home. He's tired too. She pouts, he nearly caves, and then my sweet daughter comes back, kicks out the teenage drama queen, and says "it's okay dad, we can go another time." Awwww...what a sweetheart.

When did the rules change? When did parents go from "attending the recital = great parent" to "attending recital, bring camera, spend your life savings on flowers, dinner and ice cream from Maggie Moos = great parent"? Why didn't someone tell me? I would have opened a savings account, got a full-time job, sold plasma! I blame the overachievers! I say we start a petition, let the kids know who's boss, quit buying flowers, tell those overachievers to knock it off, and for heaven's sake, if you are going to buy ice cream get the $1.00 sundae from McDonald's! Darn overachievers!

For the record: I don't believe in mandatory PE classes. Some kids are atletically inclined, others are more gifted in art and music. I say if they are going to make the kids who aren't athletic take PE, they should make the athletic kids take music, art or theatre. I would start a petition, but I also stink as a child advocate. Okay...rant over. Boy, that wore me out!


sweetnsourcottoncandy said...

i don't act like that mom, well the sweet part where i told dad i was joking was true, but i don't act like one of those selfish, spoiled, bratty, and annoying teenage girls. and when i got the flower i was grate ful for it, i am keeping it up in my room and it is beautiful, i did not say "whatever" and also the first dance show i did not even notice a bunch of other ppl with flowers so really you were just trying to make me out as a rude teenage girl

i agree with your for the record thing, i hate pe it is horrible ...
love you

Tammy said...

Seriously yall are SO funny. Ok, so I totally want you to be the President of the ANTI-Overachievers Club. I'll be your assistant but, don't worry I won't do anything to help. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Unknown said...

It's time for all the Loser Parents of the world to Unite! However, it is late and I am awfully tired so maybe I'll wait for someone else to make that happen.

Stephanie T said...

Whatever!!! To me you guys are the over-achieving parents. I hope my family will turn out as awesome as yours!!!
I will never forget when you guys came over to can food last year. Your family is so special and I thought--I hope my kids are having fun working and joking around with my like that when they are teenagers.

chelon:) said...

i can't stop laughing! you are all hilarious. i have to agree with the flower thing...when did this all start? i didn't have to worry about this in utah. my girls just had a recital and we had to stop and get flowers...$20!! whatever! hopefully they appreciated them. my wallet sure didn't. i hate the peer pressure! you are a great mom :)